Meet the Team

Nico Martinez Santos

Introducing Nico, another of our Latin American team members

Where are you from originally?

What was your first ever job?
In my first job I worked as a kitchen hand.

What was your favourite subject in school?
Computer science.

What languages do you speak?
Castellano / Spanish

How long have you been living on the Costa Brava?
Since September of 2016.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to watch movies or go for walks.

When did you start working with callCarlos?
October 2017

What attracted you to the job?
It’s a job where I learn something new every day,
am constantly challenged, and get to meet new people.
That’s what makes it interesting

What is your role within the company?
I am part of the technical team that works across the services we operate.

What did you do before callCarlos?
I worked with my mother in the family business back in Colombia.

If you weren’t working for callCarlos, what do
you think you’d be doing instead?
I don’t know, it’s difficult to say.. Possibly something in hospitality.

Best and worst moments with callCarlos?
Working well in the team
When a job or project doesn’t work out quite as expected.

If you could change one thing about callCarlos,
what would it be?
At the moment, nothing.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
That’s difficult to say as in the world today things can
change in a matter of moments. I hope I will be still
growing professionally and personally.

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Start Enjoying Life!

Please be advised that our working area is the Costa Brava and reaches from Begur to Sant Feliu de GuĂ­xols.

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