Meet the Team

Charo Carretero Mezcua

Introducing Charo, all the way from Madrid!

Where are you from originally?
I come from Madrid

What was your first ever job?
I was working, when I was 17, at the dining room of a French school in Madrid,
helping the small children to eat.

What was your favourite subject in school?
Languages and literature

What languages do you speak?
I speak Spanish, CatalĂ , English and French.

How long have you been living on the Costa Brava?
Since 2000

What do you like to do in your free time?
Read, cook, eat, bike, travel, meet my friends and family, loooong table talks…

When did you start working with callCarlos?
I started in February 2014.

What attracted you to the job?
That every day the work can be different, to improve my English,
and to solve administrative issues. (Weird, right?)

What is your role within the company?
I do administrative work

What did you do before callCarlos?
I was working in Bankia.

If you weren’t working for callCarlos, what do
you think you’d be doing instead?
Doing something similar, for foreign people, probably…

Best and worst moments with callCarlos?
The callCarlos parties!
The stress, sometimes.

If you could change one thing about callCarlos,
what would it be?
I would like to enlarge the office (working on it).

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Here! Going little by little to my happy retirement…

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Start Enjoying Life!

Please be advised that our working area is the Costa Brava and reaches from Begur to Sant Feliu de GuĂ­xols.

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