Translation Services

Moving to a foreign country can be both exciting and challenging; exciting because there is so much to discover and experience, and challenging because you are heading into the unknown or unfamiliar. Very often, the biggest challenge of all is dealing with a new language – or two, as is the case in Catalunya, where both Catalan and Castellano-Spanish are spoken!

Excuse me? Run that by me again please!
Excuse me? Run that by me again please!

Our Team of Polyglots!

At callCarlos, we have a very international and multilingual team, which comes in quite handy indeed as the majority of our clients are foreigners in this country. We have native speakers of both local languages, Catalan and Spanish, as well as Dutch, German, English, French, and Arabic.

Document Translation Services

If you decide to move from another country to La Costa Brava to make it your new home or maybe to set up your own business here, you will almost certainly need to get some documentation translated into either Spanish or Catalan at some point. At callCarlos, not only are we up to speed with any and all documentation required, but our native language translators can also translate it from its original language into either Spanish or Catalan, whichever is required.

Certified Translations

Occasionally, it may be necessary to have documents certified by an official body. This process may be needed for immigration purposes, like applying for residency, for example. Any document requiring this certification needs to be carried out by an official translator who is authorized to legally certify and stamp your documents so that they are officially recognized.

We have many years of experience both in assisting new arrivals applying for residency or other immigration paperwork and working with local “sworn translators” whenever certified translations are required.

In the European Union, translators authorized by the corresponding government to officially certify a translated document are known as sworn translators – in English, of course! They have other names in other languages – which, of course, they are authorized to translate too! We work with freelance sworn translators on a needs basis.

Some Examples

Depending on your circumstances, you may need one, or some, of the following documents officially and legally translated and certified:

• Birth certificates

• Marriage certificates

• Divorce decrees

• Death certificates

• Court rulings

• Bank statements or documents

• Police criminal checks

• Driving licenses

• Insurance policies

• Registered documents

• Registration documents

Those are just a few examples. If you need a translation for something not on the list, call us anyway, and we’ll take care of it for you! No matter the subject or content, we can handle it all and adapt each translation according to its intended purpose, whatever that may be. 

We can do more than translate!

It’s not just about translating documents, though; we also place great value in developing a relationship of trust with each individual customer, and we will treat your case with great personal care. If you require our translation services as part of a residency application, importing a vehicle into Spain, registering with your local Town Hall, or anything like that, don’t forget that we can help you with the entire process, not just the translation.

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Start Enjoying Life!

Please be advised that our working area is the Costa Brava and reaches from Begur to Sant Feliu de Guíxols.

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